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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
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adekk sayanggg ♥

haiiii semuaaa :) assalamualaikumm :)
ngeeee cOmell x bdak atas nieeee ? omeyy kan?
mcm saya kan ? BHAHAHAHAH 
sOry perasan kejapp.. hehehe..nk cite
siket psal bdak niee :DD .. itewww bru je knal ngan 
dye.. tpi kiteorg rapatttt tauu,.. heeeee..geramm tgOk
dye niee omeyy gilaxx :D dye xpkai tdung pOwn cOmell
dye pkai tdOng lgi nmpk omeyy <3 weyhh budakk
kiteww sayangg awakkk <3 ngee maluu lahhh >.<
heee.. serOnok dpt kenal dye niehh.. 
wakakakakka,.. de baek,caring,suka gelak :)
hehhe.. berminat gilerr ngan perangaii dye nie
bhahahhhann ,.. sOryy adek deanna :)
oke2. stOp sini !! dah dahh xleyh cite lebeyh2
nnti dye kembang..bhahahah,, kidding jae sayang <3
oke ilysm adekk deanna hassan :DD