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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
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bella hassan :) my sweety

heyy semuaa !!
assalamualaikumm :)
ngee.. nOw i want to stOry
abOut this budakkk !!
ngee.. nme dye i think you all tau
but xpe i bgi tau lgi skalii ..
heee ,.. budak ini sgt baek ouh !!
love this budakk ! :D
suke sgt law berguraw dgn dye..
hahhaha.. that girl is funny n supporting :D
hehe.. you , law you nk tau i suke sgt 
dpt kawan dgn you , i ingt yOu nie sOmbong
but nOt !! jaOh sekali :D
hahahha... hehe.. tgOk 2 pic yg ade kat atas
hehehe.. cOmel kan ? cOmel sgt , 
muka manjaa ouhh hahahahhhaha...
harap2 you suke kawan dgn i :))
kita bOle jdi kawan baek kan ?
btw , saya sayang awak lahhh

ihklas dari akmaketOt :D