The Story Of My Life
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Edit by: Timi
basecode: Nurul AtiQah
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Sayang kaw sgt2 ;)

Err==' nk bg tau
kaw yg aku syg kaw !
Tpii mcm mne ek ? . . .
Aku xnk kaw jdi mlik
org..aku tkOt terlpas !
SeriOus aku ckp aku
SAYANG kaw . .:* tpi
nk wat mcm ne, xde
mase yg tepat nk bgi
tau kaw tntg prasaan
aku kat kaw ! Erm,lg
p0wn aku skang nk pmr . .aku nk fOcus jap , tpi aku ttp syg
kaw . .:D. .harap kaw dOakan aku .