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Edit by: Timi
basecode: Nurul AtiQah
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result exam !! ?? hee..

huh!!! exam nie..
aku meningkant lahh gak..but still teruk..
HAHA..never mind..aku bole
meningkat slowly.!!
hee..but i happy l0rh !!
hee...aku akan ubahkn result aku 
jdi lbeh baek !!
hee...tenkiu to my friends xde korg maybe aku 
xleyh naek..!!ade korg bru bole
aku saing!!! HAHA..
tenkiu gak c0z ajar aku yg mne aku blur..
hehe...kdg2 je lahh !!!
korg ajar bkn bnyak pon..hee.but aku
terPAKSE lahh hargai jgax !
c0z korg kan KAWAN aku..

iloveyoouuu friends !!!