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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
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hari sukan :)

24.2.2011..skola aku ade wat skan tah0nan..perghh!!!mmg best gilaxx...mmbe2 aku sume..
mas0k kawad...kcuali aku n syera..kite org 2 cuci mata jerp..
HAHA...kite org eppy gilaxx smpai lpelahh nk mkan..ishh3...haha....
wlupown xsmpat nk mkan...bgi aku hari sukan ni mmg best gilaxx..
aku smpaii2 stadium da glak..HAHA..mmbe aku ckp aku da naek gilaa..
HAHA :D...ade lgi eppy..tpi mlz nk cite..sbb rahsia..bhaya klaw cite..
best gilaaxx...maskod2 rmah skan sume c0mel...hehe...
aku suke lahh 24.2.2011..hehe...<3 muahxxxx